ever wanted to have a custom-made drawing by heavenstarship tailored exactly to your desires? well, now you can have one!

more examples of my work can be viewed in the art gallery! prices for each sample are listed next to each image.

a graphic design masterpiece.
starting at $10 each
sample from 06/19/2023, would cost $20

a series of concept sketches to help design your character.
sketches: starting at $5 each
color tests: starting at $15 each
sample from 8/25/2024, would cost $45

an unrendered drawing.
starting at $10 each
sample from 8/23/2024, would cost $30

lineart colored and filled in with no shading.
starting at $20 each
sample from 11/03/2024, would cost $30

a shaded illustration.
starting at $40 each
sample from 11/16/2024, would cost $60

prices are dependent on the complexity of the piece. things like multiple characters, the style used, the type of background, etc. will increase the final price.
if you request major changes in the later stages of your commission, i may have to add additional fees to the original commission price.
prices listed are not constant and are subject to change at any time, including at time of discussion.

please contact me via my email or through discord.
to create your commission, i will need adequate references (poses, design of your character, inspirations for design, etc). don't let the perceived quality of your references discourage you; send me what you've got and i'll work it out with you from there!
i will be sending you work in progress shots of your commission as i go; let me know as soon as possible if you'd like something changed.

all prices are in usd.
i accept payment through stripe.
as soon as the price of your commission is negotiated, i will send you an invoice. if payment is not made within one week (unless otherwise discussed) then i'll assume you no longer want the commission and i will withdraw my services.

turnaround time for commissions is 1-2 weeks. due to external circumstances, this time may be subject to change.
if turnaround time is expected to be longer than normal, i will give you advanced notice and keep you updated on the situation.
if i cannot complete the complete your commission and a refund is necessary, one will be given in a timely fashion.

human characters
anthro characters (terms apply)
complicated designs
artistic nudity
nsfw, sexual content (terms apply)
characters from live action and illustrated media
real people (terms apply)
some backgrounds (terms apply)
discriminatory, harmful, or hateful content
content that conflicts with my personal values
content that makes me uncomfortable

by commissioning me for a piece, you agree that:
my will and won’t draw lists seen above are not all-encompassing. if you ask for something not included on either of these lists, i can either accommodate, adapt, or decline the request, depending on what it is, if i can fulfil it, and if i am comfortable with doing so.
you will stay in contact with me via your method of choice throughout the entire process of your commission, giving me honest feedback on the piece and requesting changes as soon as possible, if necessary.
you will provide adequate references for what i am drawing for you.
you will pay the entire price of your commission after discussion of the price at your earliest convenience. no work will be completed until payment is given.
payment cannot be refunded after work has been started on your commission.
you are receiving a one-time custom digital commission that you may use in any way you wish aside from claiming it as your own, tracing it, copying it, using it for anything AI related, or using it for commercial purposes. in addition, when using my work, proper credit must be given with each use of your piece.
my artwork is my intellectual property, regardless of who it is being made for. your completed product will have my signature on it, and this will by no means be removed by either you or myself. i, as the artist, have the right to use this product for display purposes (social media, portfolios, etc.)
you will not drastically alter or edit the piece after its completion.
i have the right to deny or withdraw a commission at any time, regardless of reason. you are not entitled know why the commission has been refused if i am not comfortable with continuing communication. you will be refunded if payment is given before this occurs.